Jekyll Edit Markdown Samples
Jekyll file structure
Jekyll uses the Liquid ( ) templating language to process templates
Jekyll file starts with a triple dash - - - , to define a Jekyll header
The header part is in Yaml syntax, until closing - - -, then there is the body part
layout: post
title: "My Page"
otherVar1: value1
<h1>Sample Jekill body file</h1>
my file body text (.md, .html, ...)
goes on several line
... interpreted then by Jekill Liquid template engine
... using
expanded _layouts/{ { page.layout } }.html layout file
contextual page header variable ... example: { { page.title } }
+ contextual parent variable ... example: { { site.url } }
+ Liquid tags { %for ...} { %if} ..{ %endif %}{ % endfor %}
cf next
The body content is itself evaluated by Jekyll using the Liquid template engine, and passing a contextual list of variables=value.
This context inherits parent context values: page -> parent _config.xml layout fragment -> parent page -> parent _config.xml
Jekyll directory project structure
files and dirs starting with underscores (“_”) are interpreted by Jekyll
typical directory structure:
./_site/** ... gitignored generated files
Liquid templating engine overview
defines itself as “
Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.”
See documentation : See video (which last 6 minutes only)
It is a kind of text pre-processor in Ruby (like Velocity or ThymLeaf in Java, T4 in C#, Angular expression/directives in JavaScript, etc..)
Like AngularJS, it has a mustach-like syntax for variable, and like Velocity, it has begin-tag / end-tag for macros
A picture is worth a thousands words:
<ul id="products">
{% for product in products %}
{% if product.enabled %}
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
Only {{ product.price | price }}
{{ product.description | prettyprint | paragraph }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
More in details:
- replaces variables by their value
{{ variable }}
- filter expression and format
{{ variable | filter1 | filter2 | formatter }}
- execute tag macro
{% macro arg1 arg2.. %}
body text
{% endmacro %}
Tag macro can be developped as plugin and added
- loops tag
{% for product in products %}
.. {{ }}
{% endfor %}
- if tag
{% if product.enabled %}
.. {{ }}
{% endif %}
- Include a file content, from _includes/subdir/file
{% include subdir/file %}
( notice: work only with path as variable:
{% include {{pathVar}} %}
- Include a file content, relative to the current file :
{% include_relative subdir/file %}
Jekyll > Liquid > Pygments : adding code snippets with syntax hilight in Jekyll pages
see | |
Jekyll uses python Pygments librairy:
install using
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install Pygments
and also edit your Jekyll _config.yaml to add
highlighter: pygments
Pygments has itself tons of supported lexer for langages:
( detailed list: )
- Java
{% highlight java %}
public class Foo implements IFoo {
private boolean test;
public static void main(String[] args) {
{% endhighlight java %}
public class Foo implements IFoo {
private boolean test;
public static void main(String[] args) {
- Ruby (Liquid is itself written in Ruby… so cited here)
{% highlight ruby %}
def foo
puts 'foo'
{% endhighlight ruby %}
def foo
puts 'foo'
- Xml (with tons of <tag/> for escaping <tag/> in rendered html…)
{% highlight xml %}
<tagA attr="1">
{% endhighlight %}
<tagA attr="1">
- Html (with tons of <tag/> for escaping <tag/> in rendered html…):
{% highlight html %}
<A href="mylink.png">lylink.png</A>
{% endhighlight %}
<A href="mylink.png">lylink.png</A>
- Liquid
{% highlight liquid %}
{% raw %}
... {%if %} bla bla {{ var }} {% endif %}
{% endraw %}
{% endhighlight %}
This is a Meta-headache : Formating Liquid text to escape from Liquid code… (containing {% raw %} …)
- Liquid Blog explained in blog … Meta-Meta headache (for Advanced curious developpers only)
Note: You may have noticed that to write it myself in this blog (Meta-Meta-Headake), I should myself double the wrapping with highlight/raw ../endraw/endhighlight !!! But I also had to cheat by adding a space (invisible <span/> in html) between { and % to disable the first endraw that was doubled ! Then finally, I took up the intermediate generated html, copy&pasted it in this blog by wrapping it by raw..endraw !!
{% highlight liquid %}
{% raw %}
{% highlight liquid %}
{% raw %}
... {%if %} bla bla {{ var }} {% endif %}
{<span/>% endraw %} // <== Meta-Meta-Headake : cheating by adding an empty space or span
{% endhighlight %}
{ % endraw %}
{% endhighlight %}
You may browse the real source page in this Blog github: raw source code…”